My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Years after he apparently impregnated and abandoned her, the Earl of Salt Hendon (the Salt of the title, has nothing to do with NaCl) marries Jane Despard. Both have their reasons for entering into the match -- Jane must marry so her beloved stepbrother can access his inheritance, and Lord Salt has been impelled by an appeal to his honor and a long-ago promise. Although considered a mesalliance, Jane soons wins over Salt's friends, family, and may be on the road to winning his heart--but will the machinations of a dead puppetmaster and living villainess work to unite or separate them?
This was a fascinating book, full of period detail (I think some of these authors writing about the Georgian period do so because they are total fans of period garb!), likable hero and heroine, an interesting cast of well-fleshed-out secondary characters, and an interesting plot. I loved this book but if you are turned off by an older man/younger woman pairing where the heroine isn't very assertive, this may not be the book for you.
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